Learn Mentalism

What is Mentalism Magic?

So you got some tickets to a mentalism show — or saw videos on social media — and the mentalist was performing tricks like magic.

You saw them pull off one trick after another, guessing names and numbers left and right.

This was such an awe-inspiring performance for you that you are now determined to find out as much as you can about the craft. 

Luckily, you don’t have to look far.

We’ve got all the answers here and more.

Today, we’ll be answering the question “What is mentalism magic?”

We’ll introduce you to it, talk a bit more about it, show you different types of mentalists, and even talk about some mentalism tricks. 

So sit back, relax, and enjoy your trip into the world of mentalism magic.

An Introduction to Mentalism Magic

Mentalism magic is a branch of magic that is performed by mentalists or “psychic entertainers”.

It is a type of performance that aims to create the illusion of mind-reading or psychic abilities. 

The word to keep in mind here is “illusion”. 

Some pitchfork-wielding mobs do not like the art of mentalism simply because it resembles witchcraft or the dark arts.

But really, mentalists simply use a combination of psychology, misdirection, and showmanship to convince audiences that they have supernatural powers. 

This is why mentalism is often associated with magicians — but it is a distinct performance that focuses on the power of the mind rather than the sleight of hand or illusion.

It has a long history, with roots in the spiritualist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 

Mentalists would claim to communicate with the spirits of the dead or possess extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities. 

However, as scientific understanding of the mind and psychology grew, mentalism became less about claiming supernatural powers and more about using knowledge of psychology and communication to create the illusion of mind-reading.

How Does Mentalism Magic Work? 

While mentalists may give the impression of having supernatural abilities, they are not actually performing magic in the traditional sense. 

Remember, mentalism is an art form that relies on a combination of showmanship and psychological techniques to create the illusion of mind-reading or telepathy.

Mentalists often use a variety of techniques to create this illusion. 

One common technique is cold reading, which involves making general statements about someone’s personality or life that could apply to almost anyone. 

For example, a mentalist might say something like, “You’re a very creative person, but you sometimes struggle with self-doubt.”

This statement is vague enough that it could apply to many people, but the mentalist presents it in a way that makes it seem like they have unique insight into the person’s mind.

Another common technique used by mentalists is hot reading, which involves gathering information about the audience ahead of time and then using that information during the performance. 

For example, a mentalist might research someone’s social media profile or ask for personal information before the show. 

They can then use this information to make specific statements that seem like they could only get from telepathy.

So, no wand-wielding or crystal balls to see here, unfortunately!

Types of Mentalists

There are many different types of mentalists, each with their own approach to the art of mentalism. 

Here are a few of the most common types:

Psychic Entertainers 

These mentalists claim to have actual psychic abilities and often incorporate spiritualist or new-age themes into their performances.

Mind Readers

Mind readers use a combination of psychology, body language, and other nonverbal cues to create the illusion of mind-reading. 

They may also use techniques like cold reading and hot reading to gather information about their audience.


Hypnotists use suggestion and trance induction to create a state of heightened suggestibility in their audience. 

They may then use this state to perform mentalism tricks, like predicting someone’s thoughts or making them forget their own name.

Some Mentalism Tricks

While mentalism is often associated with mind-reading and telepathy, there are many other tricks that mentalists can perform. 

Here are a few examples:


A mentalist might ask an audience member to write down a prediction of the outcome of a random event, like a coin toss or the roll of a die. 

The mentalist then reveals that they had already predicted the outcome and written it down beforehand.

Take for example this prediction trick called “Multiple Outs”

In this trick, the mentalist will present the audience with three colored pieces of paper. One green, one blue, and one red—or whatever three colors you want to choose. 

Then you will need an envelope. It can be a regular manila envelope, no need to get too fancy!

When your participant chooses one color, you will then flip the envelope you are holding to show them that you already knew what they were going to choose from the get-go. 

The technique here is to already have all the possible answers in that envelope before you begin the show.

We get more in-depth about this trick on our blog: 3 Easy Mentalish Prediction Tricks You Should Know.


A mentalist might ask an audience member to choose a symbol or picture from a set of cards. 

The mentalist then reveals that they had already predicted the symbol or had a way of knowing the chosen symbol.

One really good example of this would have to be Richard Osterlin’s Annemann’s Extra Sensory Perception.

In this trick, Osterlin used a deck of 32 cards that had different shapes, symbols, or designs. 

He also used a dry-erase board where he drew his “prediction” on.

Then he instructed one of the audience members to take a card and peek at the symbol.

Osterlind then draws the correct symbol on the dry-erase board!


A mentalist might appear to move objects with their mind, bending a spoon or making a coin disappear. 

These tricks often rely on sleight of hand and misdirection to create the illusion of supernatural powers.

Off the bat, we know that humans can’t do telekinesis — unless you’re an X-men. 

But there are ways to mimic that.

This Telekinetic Straw trick is a good example of it:

All you’ll need is a straw and a water bottle. 

You will rip off an inch or two on one end of your straw wrapper. This will charge the straw with static electricity. 

Next, position the straw on your bottle cap.

Now hover your hand above it and wait for static electricity to do its thing!

Becoming a Mentalist

Now, you might be wondering, “Can an average Joe or plain Jane become a mentalist?”

Of course!

To be honest, anyone who wants to be a mentalist can learn the tricks of the trade.

All you need is some guidance from professional mentalists, some Google searches, and a ton of practice.

Not everyone who learns to be a mentalist aims to perform in front of a crowd, either. Some just want a few party tricks to impress their friends or a potential date.

Whatever your reason is to learn mentalism doesn’t matter as long as you’re not hurting anyone!

Magic Mentalism Is A Performance of the Mind

While you can’t find magic spells or charms, mentalism magic is still a fascinating art form that uses a variety of techniques to create the illusion of mind-reading or psychic abilities. 

Mentalists may give the impression of having supernatural powers, but they’re just using a combination of showmanship and psychological techniques to create their illusions. 

As we saw, there are many different types of mentalists, each with their own approach to the art of mentalism — and a variety of tricks that they use to create their illusions. 

Mentalism magic is a captivating and entertaining form of performance that continues to amaze and intrigue audiences all around the world.

The best part?

You can learn it too!