Mentalism FAQs

How do Mentalists Guess Numbers? (Mentalism Secrets Revealed)

Mentalists are great performers that offer mind-blowing and often confusing tricks. 

One of the best tricks up a mentalist’s sleeve is mind reading.

For example, mentalists can accurately guess a number that you’re thinking of. 

At this point, you might be wondering, “How is that possible?”

How does mind-reading work? 

In this article, we’re going to discuss how mentalists do it. We’re going to talk about all their methods on how to guess numbers. 

So read on to find out the secret and on how you can set yourself apart and have a smooth and jaw-dropping performance.

Let’s get started.

Mentalism: Is it a Superpower?

We’ll start by saying that mind-reading isn’t a gift. It’s a skill that gets better as you practice and gain more experience.

For the most part, mentalism is studying body language, facial expressions, psychological subtleties, and rhetorics. 

Just like in police work and investigation, studying body language and facial expression is used to figure out suspects during interrogation.

What appears to be supernatural foresight, mind control, telekinesis, mind reading, and clairvoyance is actually a combination of hypnosis, misdirection, cold reading, and extraordinary showmanship.

How do Mentalists Guess Numbers?

There are 5 tested tips and tricks to successfully pull off this mind-reading trick. These methods are:

  • Swami pencil trick
  • Magic math formula
  • Sealed envelope method
  • Reading body language
  • Power of suggestion

Let’s discuss each one in detail.

Method 1: Using the Swami Pencil Trick

Joker Magic Thumb Writer / Swami Gimmick 0868

Image source: Jokermagic

One common method for mind-reading numbers is to use the Swami gimmick.

A mentalist will ask a spectator to focus on a set of numbers (such as their phone number). Then, the mentalist will ask the spectator to repeat the numbers in their head to add drama and emphasis.

The mentalist will then pretend to write the numbers on a piece of paper or card. After “writing” down the numbers, they’ll ask the spectator to write down the numbers on a piece of paper.

The number will be revealed to the audience as the spectator announces it. 

At the same time, the mentalist quickly writes down the numbers with a Swami pencil. This is a piece of plastic with lead at the end attached to the mentalists, say, thumb. (Refer to picture above.)

The mentalist then presents their card with the same numbers to the audience, who more often than not, have their minds blown!

Method 2: Using the Magic Math Formula

How do Mentalists Guess Numbers? Using the Magic Math Formula

Image Source: Freepik

Who knew math could be used in a mentalist performance?

In this scenario, a mentalist will pretend to guess a number by using basic math calculations. 

Here’s an example –– mentalist will ask a spectator to think of any number, then:

  • Add the next highest number to their chosen number
  • Add nine
  • Divide by two
  • Subtract the original number

No matter the number the spectator chooses, this equation will always get 5 as the answer.

Now, all you have to do is pretend that you’ve read their minds. This is where you have to practice to make it believable for the audience. 

That’s how you impress a crowd with simple math skills.

Method 3: Using the Sealed Envelope Method

The sealed envelope method is by far the most common and well-known guessing number trick in the book. But while it’s one of the oldest tricks, it never fails to amaze audiences, getting a fair number of conspiracy theories in the process.

This method requires quite a lot of showmanship and the ability to hold the audience’s attention as it involves sleight of hand and active audience participation.

You might have watched a similar act on television a few years ago involving a live audience and a sealed envelope.

A mentalist will ask the audience to choose a number between 1 and 1000 and request at least three volunteers to come up the stage.

The individuals will each write their chosen number on the notepad. The mentalist will then get another volunteer from the audience and ask them to add up all the numbers.

Keep in mind that a sealed envelope with a number is on the line. Another audience member will be asked to open the sealed envelope.

Amazingly, the number in the envelope matches the totaled numbers on the notepad!

How does it work?

The mentalist actually planted a set of numbers on the notepad before asking the volunteers to write down their numbers. He then strategically hands the notepad with the empty side facing up as the volunteers write their numbers. 

As another volunteer is called on for the calculations, the mentalist hands over the notebook with the pre-chose numbers facing up. 

The reason why the range of numbers is up to 1000 is that people would unlikely add all the numbers in a split second.

The number in the envelope, of course, matches with the totaled numbers in the notepad.

The great thing about this performance is, while audience members ponder, the answer is quite literally in the palm of the mentalist’s hands!

Method 4: Reading the Body Language

Many people have been scared for their bank accounts as mentalists seem to be able to guess their PIN numbers!

But can mentalists unearth your deepest secrets?

The simple answer is no, but mentalists have perfected the art of reading body language and facial expressions. It’s long been proven that how we act gives off what’s on our minds.

To accurately “read” a spectator’s thoughts, a mentalist will have to pay close attention to the person’s body language and facial expressions. Ideally, the participant should face the mentalist so that no sign is left unnoticed.

From there, the mentalist will ask questions about the number the spectator is thinking of, all the while, he or she is keenly observing all nuances in voice, facial expression, and movement.

If the mentalist would like to know more about the following numbers, they will ask even more questions.

Check out this video to get an idea of how body language and guessing numbers works:

Method 5: Relying on the Power of Suggestion

Suggestion involves feeding participants with subtle signs a person often accepts unconsciously. A mentalist will further confirm the participant’s acceptance by reading expressions and body language.

Using leading questions and suggestive information, for example, can seriously distort a person’s memory, making it appear like the result of the performance was the participant’s idea in the first place.

Note that a participant’s pre-existing beliefs may also be sufficient enough to generate false memories. This is especially true with highly suggestible persons, who are known to manifest the suggested information all because the idea was planted in their heads.

So, you can ask someone to think of a number, all the while planting suggestions in their minds on what number to pick.

Check out this video to see this method in action:


Mentalists’ “mind-reading” is all about showmanship, preparation, and practice. There is no magic involved at all.

As you have guessed throughout this article, you can only be a successful mentalist after studying human predictability, body language, facial expressions, and emotions. 

Mentalists also need to be experts at multitasking and holding the audience’s attention.

If you ask us, the combination of all these abilities is far more impressive than having supernatural powers!

Guessing numbers is just one trick mentalists can pull up their sleeves. 

To help you impress audiences with your “supernatural” powers of mind-reading, check out Magic Mentalism for more tips and tricks.