Learn Mentalism

How Do Mentalists Work

Ever wondered how someone knows the exact word you’re thinking? How do they suddenly know the number you chose just by asking you questions? These performers are called mentalists.  They perform mind-blowing acts through several methods — including sleight of hand, power of suggestion, and cold reading. But how do mentalists work? We can only […]

Learn Mentalism

Dual Reality Mentalism – What You Should Know About It

Dual reality is a technique where the entire audience watching the mentalism performance assumes they see the same effect. But in reality, different members of the group are going through various experiences.  This technique is used by a lot of mentalists today.  If a mentalist seems to be accomplishing something impossible, chances are they are […]

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3 Mentalism Techniques You Should Learn for A Mind-Blowing Performance

Mentalism performances are born from both science and art. The artistry comes in the form of showmanship, making knowledge about theatre an exponential advantage to those who want to practice mentalism.  Learning how to build tension and suspense is also part of the performance. All mentalism performances require practice — and not just about the […]