Mentalism Tricks

Mene Tekel Mentalism – How It’s Done

Looking for a new mentalism trick to learn?

Then this “Mene Tekel Magic Card Trick” might be the one for you. 

Source: YouTube

Get ready to “wow” your friends with a card trick that’ll stir up their brain juices – and even score you a date at the bar.

This simple yet slick trick is easy to learn, fun to perform and can liven up any dull parties.

In this article, we’re going to discuss mene tekel mentalism – how it’s done. 

So let’s begin!

What is The Mene Tekel Trick?

The “Mene Tekel Trick” is also known as “Mini Tackle”. It is a card trick that involves having your volunteer select a card from your deck. You then place the card back in the middle and then have it appear on the top of your deck again.

Yes, it sounds like a trick for the professionals. But don’t worry, even newbies can perform this trick with just a few simple steps. 

What is the Mene Tekel Deck?

For this trick, all you need is a special deck of cards called the Mene Tekel Deck. 

This special deck is a custom-built deck made specifically for the purpose of mentalism/magic tricks. These let you take advantage of hidden little features that make these tricks easier to perform

The deck should consist of 26 ordinary cards and 26 special cards. 

These “special cards” are identical to the “ordinary cards”. So you have the Ace of Spades and a fake ace of spades.

However, the difference is that the “special” set of cards will also have 1/12 of an inch shaved off from them. So the “special” cards will be slightly slimmer than the ordinary ones. 

This subtle difference won’t be obvious to most spectators, and this is how you pull off the trick.

How to Perform The Mene Tekel Card Trick

For preparation, you have to arrange your mene tekel deck like this:

Ordinary card, “special card”, ordinary card, “special card”, so on.

For example, 2 of hearts, “fake” 2 of hearts, 5 of spades, “fake” 5 of spades, etc…

Now, for the details. Just follow these few steps for a smooth performance,

  1. First, show your deck of cards to your spectators in a way that the bottom of the deck is facing them. 
  2. Riffle through the set and instruct them to tell you when to stop.
  3. Once they tell you to stop, cut the deck at that point and tell them to take the card at the top of one of the decks you are holding. Let them look at it. 
  4. Now have your volunteer insert the card they took into the middle of the deck.
  5. Then, close the deck. It’s time for a little pizzazz. Distract your spectators with some “magical movements”. If you’re entertaining a spirited group of toddlers, feel free to do a little dance for more entertainment.
  6. Now draw the top card of your deck. It should be the very card they chose!

Since your ordinary cards have “special” counterparts, it’s always going to show up at the top deck no matter which card you stop on.

Some Helpful Advice

While this trick is designed to dazzle your spectators, you can easily become the victim yourself. So make sure to get to know your card deck inside and out.

As with any mentalism trick, practice makes it more natural. The more you do the trick, the more “magical” you look. 

Don’t just rely on the YouTube videos you find; practice it with someone. 

Where Can You Perform the Mene Tekel Trick?

Because you’ll only need a deck of “special cards”, you can perform it anywhere you go!

I mean, you can easily conceal the deck inside your coat pocket or your backpack without sticking out like a sore thumb.

Imagine having to lug around a giant box for a disappearing trick. Yikes!

Since it’s so easy to bring, you can perform it anywhere, to anyone. You can even randomly stop people on the street and perform it on them. 

Even better, you can perform it at a kid’s party!

If you’re on your way to your niece’s or nephew’s birthday party, and you want to go the extra mile, bring some props with you. It could be a cape, a wand, and some confetti. Bonus points if you wear a snazzy mask and recite some enchanting incantations.

What Other Magic Decks are there Beside the Mene Tekel?

Thanks to its simplicity, the “Mene Tekel Trick” is used to dazzle and entertain people all over the world.

Once you’ve mastered the Mene Tekel, you can use it as the perfect foundation for many similar and more advanced card tricks.

Here are some of its more complex brethren:

  • The Svengali Deck
  • The Invisible Deck
  • The Magic Coloring Book

These decks will help you perform even more card tricks that will blow away minds. 


Yes, the Mene Tekel Mentalism Trick is easy to pull off. But that’s what makes it such a great party trick. 

It’s iconic, it’s simple, but it delivers stunning results.

Even pro mentalists still use this trick as an “appetizer” for their live performances. It’s that effective!

Just make sure to practice, practice, PRACTICE! 

Before you know it, you’ll be popping out all kinds of mentalism card tricks from your pockets.