Mentalism Tricks

Coin in Hand Mentalism – How It’s Done

If you’re reading this it could mean one of two things:

  1. You’re someone who wants to know the tricks of the trade of coin in hand mentalism to perform it on others. 
  1. You’ve fallen victim to this trick and you just HAVE to find out how it’s done or you may not be able to sleep tonight. 

Either way, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Here, we’re going to be explaining to you how the coin in hand mentalism trick is done. 

So let’s get started!

Coin Tricks and Mentalism

Coin tricks may seem like the oldest and easiest play in the book, but its deceptive simplicity makes it all the more frustrating when you can’t figure it out. 

Vanishing. Teleporting. Morphing. 

Coins have been manipulated time and time again by magicians and mentalists to stun and mystify audiences.

But coin tricks for magicians and mentalists can be completely different things.

While magic coin tricks involve gimmicks and sleight of hand, coin-in-hand mentalism relies heavily on an understanding of psychology and body language. 

After all, mentalism, in general, is all about reading your audience or volunteers and influencing their actions. Mentalism requires skills in misdirection, confidence, and a whole lot of practice. 

So, if you’re a beginner learning how to do coin-in-hand mentalism, take your time. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it right the first time. 

It does take a lot of trial and error before coin tricks become intuitive for you. But once you’ve got the feel of it, you can easily dazzle your family and friends with this awesome trick. 

Now, let’s learn the trick!

Coin in Hand Mentalism – the Set-Up

Here’s how you do it. 

First, you ask a volunteer to take a coin and keep it in their hands, with their fists behind their backs. 

After deciding which hand to place the coin in, they bring their fists forward and you must guess which hand the coin is in.  

So, how do you know which hand to choose?

Coin in Hand Mentalism – the Two Ways to Do It

There are two simple techniques to find the correct answer to this trick: Reading the volunteer’s body language and using conversational hypnosis. Let’s unravel the secret behind each technique.

Reading Body Language

You can predict where the coin will be by recognizing someone’s body tell-tale signs.

First, follow the eyes. There will likely be a slight focus on the hand with the coin than on the other hand. 

Second, watch where the tip of the nose is pointing. 

It may seem unbelievable that even the tips of our noses can indicate this. But more often than not, our bodies are pretty bad liars. And if we’re not conscious about it, we can give off more cues than we know.

It is important to note, however, that these are fleeting cues. So, mentalists have to be able to quickly spot these signals and then feel it out if it’s accurate or not. 

Another way to tell which hand the coin is in is by taking a close look at the volunteer’s fists. 

When a fist looks more clenched or has some extra whiteness around the knuckles, it’s usually because the coin is right there. 

While these three tips don’t promise a 100% success rate, it works most of the time, especially when you’ve got the hang of it. 

Still not sure if you can pull it off? Check out this helpful video from Chris Ramsay: 

Conversational Hypnosis

The next way of pulling off the coin-in-hand trick is a bit more difficult. 

First off, do you think mind control is possible? 

Well, for us, it’s a yes and no. 

We’re not talking about the crazy kind of mind control that we see in movies. What we’re talking about is this thing called “conversational hypnosis” where you plant a suggestion or a command into the subconscious of your volunteer.

It’s not witchcraft or wizardry. It can even get a bit scientific.

In a TED Talk by famous mentalist Timon Krause, it’s explained more logically through what he calls the Cue Response System. According to Krause, “If you know the correct trigger, you can elicit any response in yourself or others that you wish.”

Do you ever notice how some mentalists talk a lot while they’re asking someone to hide the coin? Sometimes they go as far as sharing where their volunteers often place the coin. 

It’s a great misdirection tactic and often their subtle way of suggesting which hand the volunteer should keep the coin in. 

Conversational hypnosis and mind control can be tougher to achieve than mastering the art of reading cues. However, it’s an essential and powerful tool in a mentalist’s arsenal.  

If you’re not completely sold on the idea of conversational hypnosis, maybe Timon Krauses’ TED Talk will change your mind:

Coin in Hand Mentalism – Extra Tips

Here are some useful tips for a successful coin in hand trick, or any trick that you may have up your sleeve.

Leave them wanting more

If you’ve managed to get it right 3 to 4 times in a row with one volunteer, it’s best to stop while you’re ahead.

As mentioned before, there’s no guarantee that you’ll always succeed, so you shouldn’t push your luck. 

By limiting the number of times you perform this trick on a person, you can achieve that “wow” effect while also leaving some mystery.

Be prepared to get it wrong

You won’t always get it right. But this shouldn’t throw you off your groove. 

If you make a mistake, fail gracefully and use it to add a bit more fuel to your performance.

You can complement them by saying phrases like, “You’re good at this!” or “You’ve got me!”

And if you’ve gotten better at conversational hypnosis, you can also use this engagement with the volunteer as a jumping point to turn the trick around to your advantage. 

Mentalism FAQs

How do mentalists do their tricks?

As the saying goes, “A true magician never reveals his tricks.”

While mentalists and magicians may have their differences, the saying rings true. 

In general, mentalists can do what they do because they understand the human psyche and behavior on an entirely different level. 

Pair that understanding with their intense observation skills, a knack for manipulation, and excellent showmanship and you’re sure to get a dazzling show. 

Mentalists may give tips on certain tricks, but in the end, how they pull off their tricks is unique to them.

Confidence, intuition, and observation are something that every aspiring mentalist has to develop on their own. 

How do I learn mentalism?

Well, you’re reading this article on our blog. So, that’s a start.

Similar to, there are many other blogs and articles on mentalism that you can check out. 

YouTube is also a very good resource base. Some channels specifically revolve around this topic like Spidey Hypnosis and Derren Brown.

Lastly, you can enjoy a lot of books on mentalism as well. Some of the classic reads around coin magic are Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo and Expert Coin Magic by Richard Kauffman.

What is the difference between a mentalist and a magician?

Both mentalists and magicians are strong performers that know how to sway a crowd. 

But they may go about it in different ways. 

Magicians tend to have grander productions and make you doubt the physical reality with “smoke and mirrors.” 

Mentalists, on the other hand, bend the intangible. 

Occasionally, mentalists may use props but their acts are more focused on reading or manipulating a volunteer. 

While a magician will want to trick your eyes, a mentalist will want to trick your mind. 

Start Practicing!

Now that we’ve shared the tips, it’s time for you to put in the work to develop your abilities as a mentalist.

Coin-in-hand mentalism is a great way to start your mentalism journey. 

Practicing this basic trick will help you gain the skills and confidence that you need to try out more advanced tricks.  

So, go on and get started. And before you know it, you’ll be amazing people with your “abilities”.