Have you ever wished you could read someone’s mind?
Unfortunately, superpowers don’t exist in real life but we can settle for the next best thing.
You might be asking:
“What are the best mentalism tricks I can do?”
If you want to learn a few tricks to show off to your friends and family, you’ve come to the right place.
Today we’re going to talk all about mentalism and how to add a little razzle-dazzle to your showmanship to blow everyone’s minds.
We’ll show you the tricks of the trade to 8 of the best mentalism tricks you can do
Perfect these and you just might be able to kickstart your career as a magic mentalist.
Let’s start!
What is Mentalism?
Before we dive into the mentalist tricks, it’s essential to know what it is you’re doing.
What is mentalism?
You might guess that it’s magic — close enough.
Mentalism is actually 80% performance and mind tricks and 20% relying on human predictability.
It’s a performing art where mentalists closely watch their spectators and volunteers to influence their behavior.
We’ll let you in on a secret: the key to success is misdirection and confidence.
You have to keep your spectators’ minds busy, and you have to be confident you can project to their minds the answers you want to hear.
Once you’ve got those two things down pat, you’re on the road to being a great mentalist.
Easier said than done, right?
But enough about this!
Let’s finally talk about the actual best mentalism tricks you can do.
The 8 Best Mentalism Tricks You Can Do
Even if you’re a beginner gearing up to be the best mentalist ever, you have to start somewhere.
These 8 best mentalism tricks we’re about to teach you are easy.
They require minimal to no props when performing but a whole lot of confidence and concentration.
Once you’ve mastered each one, maybe you can jump to the intermediate level for mentalist tricks.
Gray elephant from Denmark
Crack your knuckles because it’s time to do a little mental math.
One of the easiest and best mentalism tricks is the Gray Elephant from Denmark.
Now before you complain that math is never easy, that is exactly the point of this trick.
All you need is to memorize a simple formula and grab a friend.
Are you paying attention?
Now follow these steps:
- Ask your friend to think of a number between 1 and 10
- Without telling you the number, ask them to multiply it by 9 (x 9)
- Tell them to add the two digits of their answer
- Now tell them to subtract 5 from the number (-5)
- Next, they should assign the answer they come up with to each letter of the alphabet (1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C)
- Make them think of a country that starts with that letter
- Tell them to take the second letter of that country and think of an animal that starts with that letter
- Finally, ask them the color of the animal they’re thinking of.
You can confidently tell them what they’re thinking: Denmark. Elephant. Gray.
What’s the mentalism magic behind this trick?
Spoiler alert: No matter what number they chose initially, their mathematical journey will end with the number 4.
Go ahead and try the math out for yourself!
Since you’ve got the number 4, the corresponding letter will be D.
The first country that will pop on most people’s minds is Denmark (because which other countries do you know that starts with the letter D?) which has the second letter E.
From there, people will automatically think of elephants which are, of course, gray.
Check out this easy video tutorial:
Half of the trick with Gray Elephants from Denmark is getting that math formula right, and the other half relies on probabilities and chance.
It’s a simple trick that will fascinate your young cousins or siblings, but you can also try it out on your parents to experiment.
People are easy to predict if you’ve confused their minds (with math) beforehand.
In any case, it’s a fun party trick.
On to the next mentalism trick!
Red Hammer
This next one is relatively easy.
With the Red Hammer mentalist trick, you use the power of suggestion.
You ask your spectator a series of rapid-fire questions at the beginning that’s designed to do a few things:
- Throw them off
- Confuse them
- Plant an image in their subconscious
So when you ask the final question, their brain will be too preoccupied to be thinking anything else.
What is this final question?
“Can you think of a color and a tool?”
Most people will choose red since it’s a primary color, and once you say “tool,” most people will yell out a hammer.
But you can slip the red hammer in their subconscious with your rapid-fire series of questions in the beginning.
Here’s an example:
- What’s your favorite Christmas meal?
- Which actor played Thor?
- What date is Valentine’s Day?
- What planet comes after the Earth?
- What are hamburgers made of?
- Can you think of a color and a tool?
See how we slipped in questions that would make you think of “red” and “hammer”?
The ultimate trick here is to ask those series of questions as fast as possible, so they have little time to think of anything else.
Watch this video for a quick example of the Red Hammer trick:
Are you enjoying these mentalist tricks so far?
Try them out on your family members right now!
Here’s the next one:
Bending a Spoon With Your Mind
You’re not Magneto, but your friends will think you’re cooler than him.
Bending metal out of sheer will is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
Uri Geller made this trick famous back in the 1970s, and to this day, magicians still perform it.
But it’s not as complicated as it looks.
The secret?
Distract the audience while you subtly bend the spoon.
Once it’s bent, show it to everyone with the spoon’s bowl facing outward, but conceal the bent part with your finger.
Concealing will cause an illusion that the metal is still straight.
Now, slowly tilt the spoon forward until your audience sees it “slowly bending.”
At every point of the performance, you have to act like you’re concentrating on bending the metal.
It’s one of the easiest things to do once you figure out how to master it.
Check out how Paul Weatherbee does it in this tutorial:
Now that this trick is revealed, it kind of takes away the magic of the entire thing, right?
But just think of the number of kids and adults you’ll be impressing with this trick soon, and you’re bound to get excited to perfect it.
Triangle Inside a Circle
You won’t need any sort of prop with this trick. You just have to rely on conversation and a suggestible mind.
The Triangle Inside a Circle trick uses probability and also leverages the power of suggestion and subliminal programming.
As a performer, you have to plant images in the subconscious of your spectator.
How exactly does this trick go?
You just make them do two things:
- Imagine a shape “that’s like a square but not a square”
- Imagine another shape around that shape
For them to say “triangle inside a circle,” you have to make them think of it first.
To make sure it works, be subtle with your suggestions.
When you tell them to imagine a shape that’s not a square, try nonchalantly tracing a rectangle and then a triangle in the air.
Most people will automatically choose triangle if square isn’t in the options.
And when you tell them to imagine a shape “around” another shape, that’s already suggesting a circle.
Watch how The Mentalist smoothly and perfectly executes this trick:
The Invisible Dice

Have you caught on by now that most easy mentalism tricks need the help of mathematics?
It makes you think and confuses you in the process.
This reason is exactly why mathematical equations are the easiest tactic to throw off people.
For this particular trick, you’re going to have to memorize a short equation.
Here are the steps to tricking everyone using the Invisible Dice method:
- Ask your volunteer to roll imaginary dice to get two imaginary numbers
- Without telling you, make them choose one imaginary number and double it (x 2)
- Next, tell them to add 5 to their answer (+ 5)
- Tell them to multiply the answer by 5 (x5)
- Ask them to add the result to the second imaginary number
- Finally, ask them to tell you the answer out loud.
- Guess the number they began with
Sounds easy, right?
But how will you know their initial imaginary numbers?
For you to guess properly, all you have to do is subtract 25 (-25) from their answer.
The two digits of the answer you come up with are the numbers they started with.
It’s not at all confusing once you’ve analyzed it!
Let’s say they picked the numbers 4 and 3.
- Double the number 4 (4 x 2 = 8)
- Add 5 to the number (8 + 5 = 13)
- Multiply the answer by 5 (13 x 5 = 65)
- Add the result to the other imaginary number (65 + 3 = 68)
- Subtract 25 (68 – 25 = 43)
- Those two digits are the imaginary numbers they began with
You can try this out with any number on a die to see if it works (it does).
That’s got to be a pretty cool party trick, right?
Three of Diamonds
The ultimate secret to executing a perfect Three of Diamonds is misdirection and subliminal suggestion.
This particular mentalism trick works by influencing how someone thinks.
Your subliminal suggestions go straight to their subconscious, so you get them to say what you want.
Mentalist Derren Brown popularized the Three of Diamonds, and he does a smooth version of it in under 25 seconds here:
Did he get you?
Let’s quickly break it down!
Tell your spectator you’re going to transmit the identity of a specific card in their mind.
Of course, you already know it has to be the three of diamonds.
While you’re instructing them, you have to make a few mental projections:
- Keep subtly moving your fingers to trace the shape of diamonds. Either you draw the image on the air or bring your fingers to form a diamond shape.
- Tell them to think of a card that’s a “little lower,” which will make them think of low numbers.
- To make them think of three, subtly show them three fingers or tell them to “imagine the shapes in a row in the middle.”
Do everything smoothly and swiftly, so they don’t have a chance to think about it.
Watch the awe in their faces as you reveal they’re thinking of Three of Diamonds.
This trick isn’t 100% effective all the time, so you have to practice to be confident enough!
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
If you aren’t confident doing full-on mentalism and relying on your words, go ahead and use props.
This next trick is perfect for you.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind is a mentalist trick by Dai Vernon, a card magician.
How it works is your spectator picks a card from the deck, and you will accurately guess it.
Famous mentalist Bedros Akkelian a.k.a. Spidey Hypnosis, breaks down the trick for you right here:
You can see he wows the group of teenagers, and all he did was sleight of hand.
So what are the specific steps?
- Ask your spectator to shuffle the deck so you won’t know the order of the cards.
- Ask them to choose one by slowly showing them the top cards one by one until you get to the 6th
- Once they’ve chosen, stealthily split the top 6 cards so 3 goes to the bottom of the deck and 3 stays on top
- Add one random card to the bottom of the deck
- Now show them the cards from the bottom while counting the first 7 cards and ask them, “Have you seen your card yet?”
- If they say yes, their card is one of the 3 you put at the bottom of the deck. Stealthily add the 7 cards you’re holding to the top of the deck.
- If they say no, their card is one of the 3 you left at the top of the deck. Casually peel 3 cards from the bottom and add them to the top.
- Either way, you end up with their card at the top of the deck
- Put the deck on the table and take the cards one by one to your palm. Sneak a peek at the 4th and 5th cards.
- Before you flip the 6th card, ask your spectator which card they’re thinking of.
- You’ll either hear the 4th or 5th card but if not, their card is the 6th one. Flip it accordingly and wow your audience.
Admittedly, this trick is a lot of work but it’s worth it when you see the looks on your spectators’ faces.
This is why to perfectly execute Out of Sight, Out of Mind, you have to practice multiple times and hone your communication skills.
And if you’re still confused, you can go back and rewatch Spidey Hypnosis’s video.
1089 Trick
Here’s another easy trick that will impress your friends and it’s pretty effortless too.
The steps to the 1089 Trick are easy:
- Tell your spectator to think of a three-digit number but make sure each number is different. For example, 875. Make sure they don’t tell you the number!
- Next, ask them to reverse the number. (578) So now they have their original number and their reversed number.
- Now ask them to whip out a calculator (yes, it’s math again) to subtract the smaller number from the larger (875 – 578 = 297)
- Tell them to reverse that number too (792)
- Now tell them to add the original answer to the reversed number (297 + 792)
- The answer will always be 1,089
Cool, right?
You can do this with any three-digit number and the answer will still be 1089.
There is one exception.
If they come up with a two-digit answer for the first subtraction, ask them to add 0 in front of the number.
For example, if they chose 132 to start, they will get 99 after they subtract.
When you add 0, that will make it 099 and if you add it to 990, you will still get 1089.
Preparing for Magic Mentalism
Mentalism tricks don’t work for everyone, and that’s okay.
You’re likely going to fail once or twice when you try tricks out on a bunch of people for the first time.
When that happens, brush it off and roll with the punches.
But to succeed, you have to pick your spectator carefully.
For example, if you’re performing at a party or in front of a crowd, how will you know who to successfully perform mentalist tricks on?
How can you gain the confidence to pull off the tricks?
Now that we’ve shown you 8 of the best mentalist tricks you can do, here’s how you can perform them better.
Practice makes perfect
Success in a mentalist trick can’t be chalked up to “winging it.”
You have to put in the work and practice so you can confidently execute the entire thing.
You can do some mentalism tricks right off the bat, but others need specific formulas — literally since most of the easy ones contain mathematical questions.
So practice.
One way to start is by picking a trick you’d like to master and watching videos of other mentalists doing the same thing.
Then, you can try it out on your family and friends.
After some time, you’ll be confident enough to perform mentalism tricks with strangers.
Pick the best person to read
Like we said earlier, mentalism tricks don’t work on anybody.
If you want to perform in front of a crowd, you have to single out someone who will most likely do your trick justice.
Pick a person that’s not too loud and confident but not too shy and introverted either.
Loud and overly excited people might throw you off, and the silent types might be too shy to actually read.
The best person to read is somewhere in the middle of those two — just the right energy with just the right amount of interest.
Presentation and Persuasion
Mentalist tricks are all about performance.
The results are largely dependent on how you present everything to your audience.
You have to direct the audience to say what you have in mind, and you can only do this if you’re persuasive and stealthy.
Here are a few ways you can one-up your performance:
- Build on your communication skills and delivery.
- Slip in a few fictional and exaggerated statements here and there.
- Make grand gestures to throw them off
- Use your gift of gab to misdirect your audience and keep their mind occupied.
Dedicated mentalists should be able to master these things well.
At the end of everything, it’s such a satisfying feeling seeing everyone shocked that you’ve “read their minds.”
Make Sure to Enjoy the Experience
These mentalist tricks are intended for everyone to have a great time, so relax!
Sure, you can fail, especially if you’ve picked the wrong spectator or messed up your delivery.
But it’s not the end of the world.
Like every skill, mentalist tricks need time and practice.
Best Mentalist Tricks Frequently Asked Questions
Did you find the perfect mentalist trick to try out on your friends and fam?
The 8 best ones we’ve picked are classics and pretty easy enough.
But we know you still have questions so let’s answer them!
How do mentalists do their tricks?
No, it’s not witchcraft.
Sorry to burst your magical bubble, but mentalists aren’t bestowed with clairvoyance or other supernatural powers.
They are simple humans who have mastered the art of misdirection and psychological subtleties.
Mentalists are experts in cold reading and keen observation, making it look like they know everything about you.
This way, they can suggest or project things to your subconscious, which you pick right up and play into their hands.
They’ve got pretty neat tricks, but a regular human is doing all of that “magic” at the end of the day.
How do I learn mentalism?
For starters, you can go ahead and browse our articles and blog posts on mentalism.
You can also dig up YouTube videos and binge-watch channels like Spidey Hypnosis and Derren Brown.
Last but not least, you can purchase books on magic and mentalism online.
What is the difference between a mentalist and a magician?
Magicians are all about the flair for theatrics.
They use props and tricks to impress their audience, like rabbits inside a tophat or sawing people in half.
Magicians bend tangible reality, mentalists go a bit deeper.
They might rely on a few props, but the goal is to make the spectator think they have the ability to read minds.
Mentalism can make trick you into thinking you’re making a choice out of your own free will but it turns out to be a product of subtle suggestion.
These days, mentalists use a combination of mentalism and magic to do their tricks.
Both of these combined are some of the most entertaining and intriguing things you’ll ever see.
No wonder mentalists and magicians are in demand for special occasions.
Who is the best mentalist?
Planning to be an awesome mentalist?
Follow the life of Lior Suchard, touted to be the world’s greatest mentalist.
He has shown outstanding performances in mind reading, thought-influencing, and predicting.
Suchard even describes himself as a “mystifier” who performs for “supernatural entertainment.”
You can check him out on social media to see his mentalist tricks.
You can do it too!
And there you have it, folks.
Those are 8 classic and easy mentalism tricks you can try with your family and friends.
You can now wow everyone at parties with your newfound mentalist skills.
Remember, like the best mentalists out there, you have to practice your sleight of hand and technical skills for better execution.
It won’t happen overnight, but with constant practice, you’ll get to master seamless performing.
A great mentalist also uses misdirection and subliminal suggestions like a pro to plant the exact answer you want from your spectator.
Once you’ve learned the 8 best mentalist tricks above, you can finally move on to the intermediate and advanced tricks.
Who knows, maybe soon you can perform in front of a crowd.
Tell us in the comments which trick you’re going to start your mentalist career with!