Whether you’re traveling with friends, or just staying over for the night, a few mind-reading games can hype up inevitable idle moments.
Yes, mind reading games can be tricky, but don’t be intimidated!
It’s not that hard to perform it on your friends once you discover how it works.
With that in mind, I’ve listed the 4 best mind reading games to play with friends!
Go check it out to see which ones will work best on your next getaway! Enjoy!
Mind Reading Game 1: “MathMagic”

Okay, don’t overreact! This mind-reading game requires math, but you can use a calculator. Everyone owns a smartphone nowadays. You can use that.
This is easy and can serve as your opening “act”. In fact, I wouldn’t really call it a trick; it’s more like a fun game that will blow everyone’s minds about math. But if you want, you can tweak it a bit to make it an actual mind-reading trick.
What you need:
How to do it:
- Give the calculator to one of your friends, or simply ask your friend to open their phone’s calculator.
- Ask your friend to press the numbers from 1 to 9, excluding the number 8.
- Ask your friend to choose any one-digit number displayed.
Let’s say your friend chooses 7.
- Multiply the chosen number by 9.
7 x 9 = 63.
- Ask your friend to multiply the original number (12345679) by 63.
Your friend will get her chosen number: 7777777.
How did it work:
The secret here does not lie in the calculator. It’s simple math – when you multiply your friend’s chosen number by 9, you get your magic number. No matter which one-digit number your friend chooses, multiplying it by 9 will return the original number as the result. For example, if they choose 5, then 9 x 5 = 45, 45 x 1234569 = 5555555.
Pretty cool, right?
Mind Reading Game 2: Three Dates

The first one is a fun way to introduce mind-reading games. But if you want to impress your friends that you can read minds, then here’s a second trick you can try.
What you need:
- A calendar (you can use your phone again!)
- A piece of paper
- Pencil
What to do:
- Open the calendar on your phone and give it to your friend/s.
- Ask your friend to choose three consecutive days from any one month.
- Ask your friend to write down his/her choices on the piece of paper and have him/her add the three numbers and tell you the sum.
Let’s say your friend chose 7, 8, and 9 of November (7 + 8 + 9 = 24).
- Get the phone from your friend and divide the sum by 3 and you’ll get the middle number (24/3 = 8). You’ll just have to subtract one from the middle number to get the first number and add one to the middle number to get the third.
How did it work:
Again, it’s simple mathematics. Since you asked for three consecutive numbers, it’s automatic that you’ll get the middle number once you divide the sum by three. Still pretty easy, right? Just hope your friends don’t ask you to state the month.
Mind Reading Game 3: The Dictionary Trick

I know what you’re thinking! Where can you find a physical dictionary readily available nowadays?
Fine, it doesn’t have to be a dictionary, you just need a book or a magazine with more than a hundred pages.
Now, this one will require more than 1 volunteer, so it’s best to play if you’re with a group.
What you need:
- A thick book/magazine (or a dictionary, if available) with hundreds of pages
- A piece of paper
- Your phone’s calculator (or an actual calculator)
What to do:
- In advance, look up the 9th word on page 108 of the book/magazine or dictionary.
- Write the word on a piece of paper and fold it.
Let’s say the word is “beautiful”.
- Pick two of your friends. Tell them you’re going to read their minds and give the book/magazine or dictionary to one of them (Friend A) and ask the other one (Friend B) to get a calculator.
- Ask Friend B to pick any 3-digit number (each number should be different from the other).
Let’s say this friend picked 754.
- Ask Friend B to reverse the number.
So you’ll get 457.
- Ask Friend B to subtract the larger number from the smaller number.
So 754 – 457 = 297.
- Ask Friend B to reverse the result.
You’ll get 792.
- Now, ask Friend B to add the last two numbers (the difference and the reverse) and tell you the first three digits of the result.
So, 792 +297 = 1089. So you’ll hear 108.
- Ask Friend A with the dictionary to check the 9th word on page 108.
Now is the time to use your acting skills and pretend that you can read their mind. Take your time and be entertaining as you can. As you reveal the word written on the piece of paper earlier, ask Friend A to say the word. You’ll both get “beautiful”.
How did it work:
This is another trick that is played with numbers. No matter what numbers were chosen at step 4, your friend will always end up with 1089 by step 8. So that means the 9th word on page 108, which you already know and predicted.
Mind Reading Game 4: The Carrot Trick

This one’s pretty easy and also quite popular. But it never fails to surprise people who haven’t tried the trick yet.
What you need:
- A piece of paper
- A pencil
What to do:
- On a piece of paper, write down the word “carrot”, fold it and give it to your friend. Make sure he/she doesn’t look at it yet.
- Ask your friend “what’s 1+1?” and as soon as he/she answers, ask the next question, “what’s 2+2?”. Keep going until you get to “what’s 8+8?.” Keep your pace up.
- As soon as he/she answers what’s 8+8, ask him/her to name a vegetable. Ninety percent of the time they will think of a carrot.
- Ask them to open the paper you handed earlier and they’ll be surprised to see your prediction.
How did it work:
Unlike the earlier examples, this is not entirely about mathematics. This is done by using your ability to distract and in mentalists’ words, “to suggest” a piece of information while your friend’s mind is distracted by the series of math questions. Simple arithmetic somehow reminds us of children’s books, and carrots are commonly associated with them, so your friend ended up thinking of a carrot.
Of course, this trick won’t be 100% perfect. There are some people that can think outside the box even when their minds are at work trying to solve math questions.
Wrap Up
So there you have it, 4 of the best mind-reading games to play with your friends.
They may appear quite simple, but their simplicity will make it easier for friends to loosen up at parties or out-of-town trips.
Take note that despite its simplicity, these tricks are used by mentalists at least once in their performances.
And you’ve just used them to read your friends’ minds!
Who knows? Maybe you’d like to consider the mentalist’s path and this is just the start for you!