You’ve probably seen a mind-reading performance before.
This mentalism trick is super impressive. So what if we tell you that you can read minds, too, without having to attend mentalism classes?
If you’ve been wracking your brain trying to figure out how this trick is done or you want to amaze your family and friends, then this article is for you.
Here, we’re going to teach you 5 easy mind-reading tricks you can do right now.
These tricks can be pulled off at almost any fun gathering, just be sure to get enough practice beforehand.
The 5 Easy Mind Reading Tricks
Studying, understanding, and practicing each mind-reading trick is key to making the best performance your audience will ever see – even if it’s just a table full of tipsy adults.
These tricks include:
- The Elephant Mind Reading Trick
- The Odd Number Trick
- The Crystal Ball Trick
- The Three of Diamonds
- The Three Dates
Let’s explain each one.
1. The Elephant Mind Reading Trick
This is a classic trick that you can use to amaze others with your mind-reading abilities.
Here’s what you’re going to have your volunteer do:
- Ask your volunteer to think of a number between 1 and 10.
- Now ask them to multiply the secret number by 2.
- Add 8 to the number they got from their previous solution.
- Now, ask them to divide that number by 2.
- Subtract the original number from their answer above.
- Ask them to convert the answer they got to their corresponding order in the alphabet. 1 for letter A. 2 for letter B, and so on.
- Think of a country that starts with that letter
- From that letter, skip one letter of the alphabet
- Think of an animal that starts with that letter
- Think of the color of that animal
So now your volunteer should have a country, an animal, and a color.
The answer to that is Denmark, elephant, and gray, or a gray elephant from Denmark.
Wait, how the heck did that happen?
Here’s the explanation:
The long math calculations that your volunteer will be doing are just there to add some confusion to the trick. Because no matter what number they choose between 1 and 10, the calculations will always lead to 4.
The fourth letter of the alphabet is D.
While the mind is distracted with the calculations, normally, when we’re told to think of a country that starts with that letter D, we go for the first thing that pops in our heads – Denmark.
Next, skipping one letter in the alphabet will land you on E.
And what animal pops up into your head that starts with an E?
Yep, an Elephant.
And what is this animal’s color? Gray.
If you put them together, you’ll end up with a gray elephant from Denmark!
Boom! Mind blown!
2. The Odd Number Trick
Oh yes, it’s this annoying mind-reading trick! You might have been a victim of this trick before.
Now, we’re going to teach you how they do it. So you can get revenge- we mean – entertain others.
Take note that the effectiveness of this trick will depend on how you deliver it. So make sure to practice with a group of friends first.
Here’s how you do it:
- Ask your volunteer to think of an ODD number between 1 and 50. Tell them that BOTH of the numbers should be odd and the digits should not be the same.
- Make sure to tell them not to say it out loud but to “visualize” it.
Watch them be amazed when you tell them that the number they thought of was 37.
Here’s the explanation:
When you are told to think of two digits that are both odd, and not the same, between 1 and 50, most of the possible answers are eliminated.
This is because the rest of the numbers like 2, 4, and 6 are even.
By telling your volunteer that they need to choose two different odd numbers, you are indirectly hinting that it shouldn’t be a 1 digit number, so the digits 1 through 9 are also automatically eliminated.
What’s left will be the numbers 13, 15, 17, 19 – something most people won’t think of (and you probably wouldn’t either!), and the thirties: 31, 35, 37, and 39. Most people will go for 37.
As we said, it’s all in the deliverance. So make sure to practice it.
3. The Crystal Ball Trick

You’ve probably seen this performance on TV, and now we’re going to tell you how it’s done.
Here’s how you do it:
- Hand your volunteer a square piece of paper with a crystal ball drawn on it
- Ask them to write a number inside the crystal ball and fold it
- Now you will tear up the piece of paper
- Without looking, you will tell them the answer and get it right!
Okay, that sounded vague, we know.
Here’s the explanation:
The folded SQUARE piece of paper handed to you will have the “secret” number written on it.
Notice we emphasized the word “square”. This is important.
The shape of your paper will tell you what number was written inside the crystal ball.
Cut the paper in half. Turn it sideways, and cut again. Make sure you remember the direction you cut the paper. This will help you in the next part of the trick.
After you tear it up, discreetly unfold it. Try to distract your audience when doing this.
Since you remember how you sliced up the number, you will now be able to read what’s in the shredded pieces without having to put them together.
Then you tell your volunteer the secret number that they wrote down.
This trick can be confusing. So you may want to practice this a few times. Here’s an example:
Your volunteer wrote “15” inside their crystal ball. You sliced it up in the middle. So you will have 1 and 5, or if you sliced it “sideways” of the number/s written, you will have the top and bottom halves of the numbers 1 and 5.
You sliced it one more time in the middle. When you peep down, you will be able to see fragments of the number your volunteer wrote down.
4. The Three of Diamonds
With this trick, you won’t actually have to do a trick. You are simply going to influence how your volunteer will think. (Spoiler: it’s the three of diamonds)
Here’s how you do it:
- Ask your volunteer to imagine any card from a deck, and tell them you’ll guess what it is.
- As you’re telling them this, stealthily move your hands in front of you in the shape of a diamond and the number.
- Repeat the previous steps a few more times subtly, and guess that they are thinking of the three of diamonds.
Here’s the explanation:
There won’t be actual tricks played. It’s mostly the power of suggestion.
The diamond-shaped motion you were making will “trick” your volunteer into thinking about diamonds. The same is true by putting out three fingers constantly.
The result? The 3 of diamonds.
5. The Three Dates
You’ll have to do a little bit of math for this trick. But don’t worry, it’s really simple.
Here’s how you do it:
- Give your volunteer a calendar and ask them to choose three CONSECUTIVE dates from any one month.
- Give them a piece of paper and a pencil, and ask them to write the three numbers down without telling you.
- Now have them add all three numbers and tell you the sum.
- Tell them the correct answer to the three dates they thought of.
Here’s the explanation:
This trick is quite simple. Once you add the sum of the three dates, all you have to do is divide the number by 3.
This will give you the middle date they chose.
Now, add 1 for the date after and subtract one for the date before.
This trick requires a bit of math, so it may be confusing.
Here’s an example:
Your volunteer chose the dates 21, 22, and 23. Add them all up and you will get 66. Now divide 66 by 3. You will get 22 – which is the middle number or the middle date.
Since you told your volunteer to choose consecutive dates, you already know that the first date is 21, the middle is 22, and the third is 23.
Note: this trick is even more effective with younger audiences. So try pulling this out at your cousin’s/nephew’s/niece’s next birthday party.
Your Turn
While these tricks have each been thoroughly explained, it’s now your turn to do your part.
Yes, you know how they’re done, but can you perform them with enough confidence that your audience will be left in awe?
Don’t worry, these can be perfected through practice.
So grab an unsuspecting friend, cousin, sibling, or grandparent, and start performing!